In todays lesson we learnt about narrative, these are the notes I took during the lesson.
A narrative is some kind of retelling, often in words (through it possible to mime a story) the narrative is rather the telling of the story.
Todorov - Equilibrium- state of normality
Disruption of Equilibrium -character location(causes effect which disturbs state of normality)
(balance/ups and downs)
Main protaginised recognised disruption
Restoration of equilibrium.
New equilibrium.
Aristotle- Greek philosopher
His theory was that there is always a beginning, middle and an end.
Propp- character types
Propp's theory was that no matter how many stories we watch, the same characters keep popping up and these characters are...
1) Hero
5)False hero
8)Her father
Levi Strauss- Observed that we see the world in binary oppositions.
calm narrative vs stressful narrative
youth & elder
innocence & wisdom
Barthes-Narrative codes
enigma- makes the story interesting
Well done for writing up your notes, but where is the narrative task? See main blog!