Sunday, 9 October 2016

Media and Audience

Could the media exist without an audience?
In my opinion I don't think the media could exist without an audience, this is because the media would be creating content for no one to view which means it would be pointless and would cost media production companies lots of money. Also when creating media content there would be no target audience or specific designed media aimed for someone. Therefore the media does need an audience to exist.

Could the audience exist without the media?
This question is very similar to the other, I think that the audience could not exist without the media because the word audience actually means 'assembled spectators or listeners to public showings such as films, concerts and the media'  this shows that for an audience to exist they need to be part of a viewing from the media. On the other hand an audience could physically and realistically exist without the media but in today's society the media has a big influence on our lives as well as updating us with what's going on (the news). Therefore if there was to be no media it would feel like living in the stone ages to this generation.

Who creates the content of the media?
I personally think that the media creates the content of what we watch and the audience chooses weather they feel if it's worth viewing or not. This could then influence the media's choice of content and what they produce as they can see what the audience is viewing and how popular it's becoming.

Does the media control the audience or the audience control the media?
I believe that both the media and audience heavily rely on each other, however the media in my view has slightly more control over the audience as it controls and produces what we watch. An example to show control of the media would be editing e.g some beauty or clothing models may have been completely edited and look extremely different from their original pictures or videos, however the audience will not see the original copy we only see the finishing product. Therefore to some degree the media does have more control over an audience than the audience has over the media.

1 comment:

  1. A great write up of our discussions.
    Put the two audience posts together.
